'So I'm starting a blog! I would love to take you on my journey through this space where I began and where I'd like to go.
Check out my concepts from design to product, and also my interests within the fashion world! I'll even be sharing some of my very first work...'

Thursday 24 October 2013

Black. White. Pretty

Hello thee lovelies! I feel like I haven’t blogged in a while, but how amazing is the weather in the Mother City we all love, Cape Town! A whopping 29 degrees (or 31) with a slight breeze moving the trees outside, I’m sadly stuck in my office chair without the window view anymore.

I’ve had a really busy week last week, and I haven’t had anything good to blog about in a while, but now coz I’m borderline bored and I’m totes in the mood to share my pics with you I shall do that now LOL
So from random little things I like or find interesting have a look below J

I very randomly came across some cool black and white photography, from fashion shoots to landscape and even black and white pics of odd little things….

How cute is this kitty!?

I wish i could give this to some people i know who need to chill the fuck out and just stop draining peoples happy LOL
I don't know if this is a full body tattoo or costume makeup but its really well done and amazingly intricate 

I'm a Pretty Little Liars fan :)
I don't know why everyone is hating on Miley Cyrus and don't just stop and actually jam along to her music for a change...

Meee and Mickey LOL

Vintage magazine covers :) 

Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride" <3

My little bit of colour for you to have a lovely Thursday and hopefully your day at work or class speeds by :) Tomorrow is Friiiiday!

My days at work has started to drag and I am wishing for this year to be done, but for now I am counting down the hours for today to be over LOL anyways, hope you all have a great day further!

Please note: All images in this blog is only used visually…its just things I admire and want to share 


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