'So I'm starting a blog! I would love to take you on my journey through this space where I began and where I'd like to go.
Check out my concepts from design to product, and also my interests within the fashion world! I'll even be sharing some of my very first work...'

Friday 21 June 2013

bored of being bored...

i cannot fathom that this is my second post in one day, shocking and so wrong that i still happen  to be at work -_- i can't help that when boredom strikes and i have inspiration all over the net i think i should just share my insight. So i've been stalking the ASOS and Pull & Bear websites. So in love with so  many little things, if you know me you'll know its all me...even what i like for the guys :)

i totally have this thing for accessories that remind me characters, not necessarily disney but hello kitty as well of course :) today i feel a bit like mickey with an edge. both below are from Asos but alice band was a gift.
So then I still totally dig little backpacks in place of a handbag, I think its pretty cool but I don't know if it'll always work according your look.

I just like this tee, I think its quite brave for a guy to pull of some animal print- its quite hectic seeing that its that original leopard print fanciness like an uberly sexy chick LOL

what a sick tee :)

And if you've been checkin out my blog for a while you'll know just how much I love sneakers, almost too much, no shit, my love for them beats basically everything. Like check out this girly shoe, just how frikken adorbs is this sjoe the thing is nike is always a classic and will forever be cool. From vintage to super on trend I like nike :) 
Nike's brand president is going to retire "Charlie Denson, president of the Nike brand, is to retire in January after a 34-year career with the company, with the move sparking a series of executive management changes at the sports giant."

I think these looks are just thee most adorable outfits I've seen in a while, cute, feminine and  a little off beat- how I choose things in general. I have this little thing for all cutesie things…denim for one is one of my favorite fabrications and then mix it with soft, light fabrics creates a whimsical feel and very pretty feel. I'm not a fan of the shoes even a little bit,I find it quite nauseating LOL! My most favorite thing about these looks is that its a strong focus on just 3 colours and yet it still looks good :)  

how cute is the bag and shirt?? and guess what?? dungarees are back bitches! hahaha! i am NOT brave enough though
Guy essentials… vests baby! Please girls, don't let your guys wear this if he doesn't have good arms! If he's too thin he'll look like he is manorectic! Hahaha! If he's fat, well let me rather not say anything LOL. I think that graphic tees and vintage prints are a definite win, it updates a simple shape and even a simple look :)  

really nice look 
Love this cap!
Again, hope you all have a  fantastic weekend and enjoy the cold! Stay warm but stay cool keep you swag on high hahaha :) 


fairytales vs reality

TGIF!!! I feel that finally this drab long (3day) dragging week is coming to an end and the weekend is like a half day away! I am in such a good space despite the fact that my work load is limited and that i have an intern thats going to be attached to me from monday LOL! I was off on Tuesday and Monday was a public holiday, made me soooo lazy! So i turned a year older just last week Thursday and i feel amazing even so! I love all my prezzies absolutely crazy about every single one of them and i get to wear something new everyday :) My gifts included super cool and cute things from a huge bag of sweeties and cookies and cupcakes to a pretty handbag, lots of accessories, flowers and trending pieces all worn as interchangeable looks yaaay me! Anyways In the world of fairytales everything is either really grim and creepy or lovely and whimsical. 

And like all things amazing so are birthdays :) Thing is fairytales are magical stories that make our minds wander to amazing places, like story books and fictional characters films and novels are based on the same concept where you can drift your mind away into another space and use your imagination…I'm pretty sure I was an imaginative kid coz I to the day I enjoy fairytales coz i love disney movies "Tangled" as well as "Brave" check it out sometime, shows how a princess can be rather than a prissy little doll.

True or false? i can't justify if its true, there are some good wolves out there
I know that I'm none conventional not even a "normal" kinda chick, thing is I've seen what the "normal" girls look like and they have quite a drab taste its tragic! They prob think I'm a sad case where I wear sneaks with dresses LOL thing Is normal seems boring to me -_- so typical of a designer to say "dress how how feel" "you create your own style" blah blah blah, cliché but all true…I totally dress how I feel but also more importantly according to the weather and event right, can't be dressing formal to a braai or casual to work. I love sneakers so much I cross the professional line on a lost daily basis hahaha! 

pretty and inspiring 
what i'm listening to: little dragon- ritual union 
So on the fact that I'm blogging on a random train of messy thoughts I bring to you my little thoughts…hope you feel inspired to have a fun-filled weekend too. 
"Tangled" i'd totally be this kinda randomly awkward princess LOL

Today I am wearing: 
Chambray denim shirt- Cherokee
Acid yellow crop- Legit
Light grey high waist maxi- My own
White All Stars (Yes I live in them, they are my staple LOL)
Yellow and gold link bracelets- Mr Price
horoscope/ peace sign and crystal necklace- Sass Diva

...wearing something i haven't worn in literally years, an alice band LOL leather with cold studs 

So because i'm in a skirt myself, and over the last year or so I've become really quite a fan of the maxi/ tube dress/ skirt. i always thought i was too short to wear a long dress but apparently not! love em :) today i'll be telling you more about the "Midi" its basically a mid calf length skirt, very fifties, totally dig it; however I'm not too sure i can pull off this awkward length I'm sadly too short haha! BUT i could try while wearing wedges for height, i just think it'll make me look shorter. 

Have a look at these amazingly cool midi skirts from ASOS, i'm pretty sure our most fashionable and ridiculously cheap Mr Price will be first to have these in store :) see how the top silhouette is always minimally simple and fitted properly, don't do box shapes or oversized with such a full bottom. 


I've been dressing a  lot girlier i don't know why maybe i realized its nicer lol I am such a big fan of a skater dresses and maxi skirts and dresses. These midi skirts are very adorbs unfortunately i can NOT pull them off as I'm too short, please be aware of where the hemline cuts your legs. If its a little longer than just under the knee it will chop your legs to appear shorter and thicker than they truly are. As in the images above you can notice stripy sandals; they are the better option as the boots cutting the ankle make your calves look bigger. 
Anyways hope you are braver than i am to rock this look :) If you short like me opt for simplicity wedge sandals rather than a strappy heel also keep the top simple in a basic shape like a black or white tee, tank, crop, sleeveless shirt...

I really feel like theres something whimsical about putting on a skirt or a dress, you always feel a lot more feminine; even though your feet are laced up in sneakers lol can't not love it and feel a bit like a princess right :) So let me leave with you love and smiles that you all have a great weekend :) feel free to try new things with fashion and hopefully our Cape Town weather is good to us 


Monday 10 June 2013

Winter warmies...

So it seems that Winter has finally arrived in Cape Town, and it seems majority of Capetonians get affected by our grey skies and buckets of rain we've experienced last weekend....i like it maybe coz I'm a winter baby LOL Think about cuddling in bed watching a movie and falling asleep to the sound of the rain :) Perfect, i do suppose its something that can become too much especially having to go to work and getting out of your warm and lovely bed! 

So its about an hour till works out and I feel that this day is taking terribly long! I cannot be bothered coz I'm blogging now and it somehow makes time move by a little quicker :) thing is I am almost constantly listening to music and right now I have Runaway by Kanye West playing in the background of my brain…makes me think hey of how we all as human beings prob don't get as much as we deserve, we think and forget the difference of what we get to what we truly deserve. "Lets have a toast for the douchebags, lets have a toast for the assholes…baby I got a plan runaway fast as you can…" that should be a line in all females heads! Remember it, remember to not take shit from the douchebags :) 
aaanyways as depressing as that just sounded I'm actually really happy and its almost my birthday! So I'm also excited for the fact that next Monday is a public holiday and then I'm hoping for a days leave in the Tuesday f%*k yeah for an extra long weekend! I am totally still enjoying and still in love with my car too, still tops my bday prezzies :) 

Biker shapes won't be dating anytime soon, and it also completes a look
stunning execution on the technical part of this jacket, super cool
cool detailing 
acid wash FTW
hoodies under a leather jacket, or any jacket at that is always a nice way to layer also making something  appear a lot more laid back

I was thinking today that I am pretty bad at being a klutz, yes its not a thing for graceful individuals but I'm far from a prim poppie someone told me that clumsiness goes away the older you get, I'm not too certain about that because I'm almost 100% sure mines getting worse LOL! I don't really care it doesn't hurt anyone but causes me to clean up lots of unnecessary crap, like today a mug of water miraculously fell over on my desk, soaked my note pad, forms and ran into my cupboard and dampened the fitted carpets; wonderfully smart of me to put a bunch of flowers in mug hey! (I didn't have a vase till the accident). I couldn't care less about the carpet with loads of tissues and papers trampled on it hahaha! 

Imagine this chick being clumsy! hahaha!
So besides that simpleness of me it is so damn cold in Cape Town! I see the sun but I think its just there for light -_- *sigh* I think the office a/c is also ridiculously cold, people are sitting in coats and boots and I'm not much different in my layers of clothes topped off with a leather jacket. I've to learn a lot about dressing for winter, I'm quite a fan, but not nice to get up for work in the morning and literally have your nails freeze so much they turn blue along with your lips and your skin turns to pale unimaginable! 

Something i can't live without anymore! in winter its one of my staple makeup MUST haves to give my lips a pop of colour, do the same and be bold, it helps in the cold :)
so pretty 
You can never have too many coats, they are perfect on an icy day and you have no idea what to wear to keep warm. Melton coats are to die for and anything unique and unusual is the way to go 
I feel the urge and desperate need to go shopping, its funny that i somehow can't find the perfect winter booties. I've got black and brown flats, wedges boots in black as well as beige and also wedge sneakers which should keep me set aside from all the other closed flats but to find the boot is making me crazy! leather jackets and short coats have also become my recent staple. So i thought the weather has cleared up as i was out and about in a little bit of sunshine...The best advice on rocking your winter warmies is to layer and layer and have appropriate things under when you need to peel some layers off (Don't end up wearing your bra over your thermal vest) another word of advice, keep your feet warm! if your feet is cold you'll freeze your butt off all day also throw an extra pair of socks in your bag ESPECIALLY IF you do public transport and have to walk from the bus, train, etc. 


Winter Warmer TIps from me :)
firstly: Invest in good quality, classic pieces like jackets and coats and also boots that will basically never date and are pretty basic and interchangeable. When you buy more Fad like pieces, be bold and brave BUT don't spend too much.

Secondly: Layer smartly, always wear a vest or like me i always wear a tank top. its nice and fitted and can match your clothes even if no one will see it you'll just feel more at ease LOL i have the basics- white, black, grey and grey melange and then also some bold colours. 

The thing about winter is keep it simple and you can always dress all comfy looks both up and easy, just be real and be you. Better if you keep it original like i loooove little dresses and opaque tights with sneakers A LOT more than heels and skinny leg trousers. 

Today I am wearing:
  • Purple skinny jeans 
  • Black flat suede booties (long with back tie up and tassels)- Woolworths
  • L/S tee under a black and gold lace boxy tee- Cotton On
  • Black leather jacket- Truworths
  • Colar necklace, snake bracelets, black Ice watch, beanie
LOVE unusual jackets, see the contract of textures and colours. makes it cool and updated

these are my absolute faves, aren't they just too adorbs simple, laid back and uber cool :) perfect time for me to wear hobo-beanies yaaay!

hope you all had a good monday  and a little excited to know winter won't be so cold with all these warmies.