'So I'm starting a blog! I would love to take you on my journey through this space where I began and where I'd like to go.
Check out my concepts from design to product, and also my interests within the fashion world! I'll even be sharing some of my very first work...'

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Random things i like :)

So Justin Bieber's concert is happening right now, Greenpoint, Cape Town, S.A…I work in the CDB and yesterday was Bonjovi's concert which made me get home LOT later than usual but I'm not a fan of either but hey, yesterdays delays made me go home earlier due to traffic today! Anyways I thought the day couldn't end any earlier. On my way to work this morning I realized I forgot my phone at home and had woken up with a headache, oh the joy of having to get out of bed this morning was immensely hard! None the less I'm officially in my PJ's. The weather today was pretty damn gloomy and it even rained a little. I hope it doesn't rain again for the concert tonight for the fans shame! Anyways I'm just having random little thoughts to my random little self LOL but before I start yapping and sharing unnecessary info about what I like let me share my look of the day- 

Today I wore:
Black tube maxi dress- my own design
Light grey vintage print Mickey Mouse sweat top- Mr Price
Navy blue All Star high tops- Sportscene
Denim sling bag- gift
White Ice watch and charcoal flower cocktail ring

How adorable! Never too old for some Disney, however other's will ALWAYS disagree!
...I got this thing for Moustaches LOL
My adorable mo' ring and girly stuff from H&M
Pretty tough looking black hearts. love em
Amanda Seyfried <3
I never really wear bold color lippy's, i was totally being brave and rocked a pretty pink shade and everyone loves it! Doesn't HAVE to be M.A.C, I wish I had that brand only but I total waste for someone like me who isn't a big lipstick wearer, even though I really like this Avon "pink Holiday".

What I'm listening to right now: The Kooks- Sway
YOH! I looove this print on this dress!
I like cute dressies in winter time with opaque tights.
My winter "girly" look essentials:
opaque tights/ hose
Leather jackets

I honestly very seldom dream, when I do it's usually a bunch of bullshit....kinda tragic hey

MUST HAVE DENIMS!!!! watch the next post OK! (*.*)

Hope you all have a great evening! It's perfect cuddle/ snuggle weather :)


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