'So I'm starting a blog! I would love to take you on my journey through this space where I began and where I'd like to go.
Check out my concepts from design to product, and also my interests within the fashion world! I'll even be sharing some of my very first work...'

Monday 13 January 2014

Pretending to be busy....

Hello there beauties! Hope Monday was not too much of a kak one for you like it is for most of the world I guess. My terrible Monday blues just hit me today, it like NEVER happens…but as cliché and cheesy as it may sound "Never say never" and please do not judge me for using that line as I'm aware its very Justin Bieber-ish and I am the furthest thing from a "Belieber" I don't hate, I'm just not a fan LOL

Anyways, it seems that work is finally, very slowly but surely coming together and back into the swing of things. I've been back at a work for a week, and today to know I really wish I wasn't here and still laying on a beach somewhere just enjoying the weather and leaving the AC strictly for the car drives….

So now I'm totally killing time and attempting to do so with a post. While getting lunch today with a friend I realized how this sushi place is very social, I kept seeing people I know and even little fame monsters lol This is one of those little bits and bobs of things I'm found on the internet that I find pretty, cool and like ☺

Cute sunnies, see the ocean through your own eyes...or pretty lenses 
A self of freedom :)
Today I am wearing:
Grey sweatshirt dress- Splash 
Black leather peak cap  and diamond shaped studs- Forever 21
Black opaques
Black Supergas
Navy Mulberry bag
Michael Kors rose gold watch
Gold midi rings- H&M, Mint nails 

Don't i look like a lil gangster! 
Love Nikey's 

Illustration, my have art form
Will be great around right now LOL Ridiculously hot outside
So now my psycho countdown begins! Less than an hour to go and I'm jamming to Bruno Mars's- Gorilla such an easy…sleazy song LOL another thing I'm gonna have to try today is the art of dodging, its always difficult when the other person is trying the opposite of avoid. Well new year new attitude and I can say exactly how I feel or what I want LOL Hope you All have a great evening!


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