'So I'm starting a blog! I would love to take you on my journey through this space where I began and where I'd like to go.
Check out my concepts from design to product, and also my interests within the fashion world! I'll even be sharing some of my very first work...'

Friday 15 November 2013

just me

Hello lovelies, I feel that my blog has been neglected for a while. Thing is that there’s been things happening in my life, from busy days at work to suddenly loosing my grandfather forever….
I don’t really want to elaborate on anything, but sudden deaths don't lay well with me especially when it hit you out of nowhere. I'm ok though, my family is fine and that is life right, and I understood it better when I lost my other gramps just last year. So this blog is not meant to be emo and sad, I think it’s beautiful and it’s the cycle of life.  

What I'm listening to right now: Lorde- Tennis Court

Ok so yesterday I learnt more about characteristics, my personality and myself. I had this really cool experience understanding my family, friends and quite importantly my colleagues. I am energy colour "Earth Green", its so scary how spot on my profile came up as. Easy going, laid-back, caring, happy and "live and let live" kinda vibe, its crazy how much I now understand how I can better myself by knowing what my weaknesses are. I sound like complete pyscho-babble nutcase but it was really fun and I wish you all can understand my very badly explained appreciation lol 

i am NOT patient though lol
Today I am wearing:
Lemon anglaise dollar blouse- Cotton On
Crop studded sweat top- RE
Light blue skinny jeans- Zara
Navy All-stars- Sport Scene
Black Ice watch
Flower crown- Factorie
Mustache ring- H&M

Flower crown
And now that I feel a lot more me I want to share some things I like J

my flower crown gift :)

Hope you all have an amazing weekend, the weather is apparently not going to be the best it could possibly be buuuut it should never hold you back from doing what you really want to do. Go out and enjoy the fresh air!